The Amount Of Fun These Two Are Having Is Incredible! They're Totally Enjoying Themselves!

The Amount Of Fun These Two Are Having Is Incredible! They're Totally Enjoying Themselves!

We have all played all sorts of games in our childhood. Some of the most universally-known ones include hide-and-seek and tag!

Some things just transcend space and time, it seems – and it’s easy to see why when this toddler already knows how to play tag with her family’s German Shepherds!

You would think that the language barrier would prove to make playing with her pup siblings a little difficult, but it looks like she doesn’t have to worry – one of the pups already knows how it works! This pup good-naturedly chases this toddler all around the living room, clearly more amused than anything!

It looks like he makes a pretty great babysitter too, compared to the other German Shepherd – he’s attentive to the toddler and how she’s doing and is exceedingly gentle with her! What a lovely thing to see. And that little toddler must’ve gotten plenty of fun out of the whole thing too!

Feature Image Source: Thorin

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