We all change as we grow older, and your faithful companion is not exempt from personality changes that come with age.
A scientific study has been conducted to pinpoint exactly what changes occur when dogs get older. Borbála Turcsán, a research fellow at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary is the study’s lead author, and she has this to say:
“Similar to humans, dog personality is both stable and malleable… Dogs that are active and curious when young will remain active and curious when they get old but only compared to other dogs. A dog’s personality changes over time, and, on average, every dog becomes less active and less curious as they age.’’
To observe how dogs’ personalities transform over the years, 217 border collies were recruited when they were 6 months old. They underwent tests in problem- solving, obedience, ball playing, their reactions to novel objects, and how they dealt with frustration.
Four years later, the dogs were invited back for evaluation.
The results showed that the group who were most curious and active remained so, although to a lesser degree. Overall, most dogs were less curious about novel objects and situations. Their activity levels dipped with age.
However, there were also some positive results. You will be pleased to know that your dog will remain obedient as he ages, and he will be just as social. If your pup is hyperactive, no need for despair. In a couple of years, he is certain to calm down.