The Dangers Of Fireworks: Missing Dog Returns Home

Remember the story of Tango, the dog who bolted in fear because of fireworks? Well, here’s an update.

Here’s Part 1, that details out how this dog went missing on the 4th of July 2019. Tim Tamburello and his 8-months pregnant wife, Dinorah, spent five days looking for their dog, Tango, but failed.

Every day, we were putting out fliers,” said Tim.

Sheila Maher heard about their plight on social media and immediately connected them with her neighbor, Kelly Brach, who’s a professional pet tracker. Kelly and her dog Enzo visited the Tamburellos’ home on a Sunday to see what Enzo could smell to track Tango.

Brach said, “I’ve got Tango’s blanket. smells it and then he looks for it.

And guess what! Enzo found Tango more than three miles away from home, across railroad tracks and near a lake. Tango, who was still afraid, was hiding, fearing for his life. So the family left a trail of things with their scent to help Tango return home. And it worked. Two days later, on Tuesday morning, Tango was on the front stoop.

Tim said, “Sure enough, he was laying right there on the steps.

They immediately took him to the vet where they found out that he had lost a few pounds, his paws were bruised and so, he was put on some medications. Other than that, Tango was fine and only had to heal from the dreadful firework experience.

Tim said, “He was so happy to see us, and the same thing, we were so happy to see him. It was unbelievable.

Brach and Enzo are heroes!

So you see, fireworks can scare our dogs, so always make sure they’re leashed and inside your home to prevent them from escaping.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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