Sometimes saying goodbye is the right thing to do, even if it isn’t easy. This doesn’t mean LeLo has to be happy about separating from some of the things he had grown completely attached to.
At the moment, LeLo is being treated at ClíniCão, a veterinarian clinic in Brazil. Perhaps he had no idea what was happening or why he was there.
It became apparent very quickly. LeLo was brought in to have his neutering performed, a procedure that is mutually beneficial to individual dogs and the dog population at large. LeLo was apparently shocked by all of this. When LeLo awoke after anesthesia, discovering that parts of his body had been removed, he escaped from his kennel, and wrecked the place while no one was watching.
Jessica Possari, LeLo’s veterinarian, said that he was upset about the whole thing. The situation was quite messy, but Possari was not annoyed by the pup’s destruction, even though she had to clean it up.
The outcome of LeLo’s little outburst was not devastating, and he has since become used to his neutered status. According to Possari, he is well and ready to run again. In front of them, his personality is very calm and affectionate, but behind their backs, he can be quite mischievous.
Image Credit: Jéssica Possari