The Race Is For The Swift! Just Ask This Dog

The Race Is For The Swift! Just Ask This Dog

It was race day, and tensions were high. It was the moment Gracie Laney had been training for all season. She was in it to win it!

It was the final day of relays at Logan High School in Utah, and Gracie was confident that she was going to get the gold. She was ahead of all the runners and she didn’t java long to go. It was the final bend, and she just had a short stretch ahead of her. All of a sudden, there was someone else chasing down the senior, vying for her gold. It wasn’t an official runner, it was a newcomer. It was a dog!

It wasn’t long since the fluffy dog left from the sidelines and leaped into the track that she started closing in on Gracie. Before she could register what was happening, the dog bolted past her! The dog had beat her and come in first place! The audience roared in cheers and laughter. No one expected that surprise, but Gracie wasn’t upset. He won the race fair and square! She can respect an athlete who gives a race his all!

She even wanted to pet him and get a selfie with the winner of the match, but in like fashion, he bolted off before anyone could tell what was happening. He had returned to the sidelines to make sure he didn’t interrupt any more races. It was a great way to lighten the mood, and everyone enjoyed seeing this dog on the track, especially Gracie.

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