Therapy Dog Delivers Care Packages To Hospital Staff Fighting COVID-19

Therapy dogs play an important role in many people’s lives. From victims of trauma to those working through their last days on Earth, therapy dogs are at their side ready to help.

During the coronavirus pandemic, there has been a halt on dog therapy in order to curb any chance of cross infecting others. This has been extremely sad for those who rely on therapy dogs but has also had an impact on the dogs themselves. Just as healthcare workers are used to helping others, so are therapy dogs.

No longer able to work, these precious pups’ days have been reduced to disrupted routine and waiting around unable to do anything. Dogter Loki is one of these therapy dogs at the University of Baltimore hospital, but what he does now is nothing short of wonderful. A medical student from the University of Baltimore hospital, Caroline, has found a way to keep Dogter Loki busy helping others.

After Caroline noticed how medical healthcare workers were in need of help from the irritation caused by their personal protective equipment, she found a way to spring into action. Caroline started making care packages for healthcare workers and called them “Hero Healing Kits”.

To date, she has made over 4,000 of these kits and delivers them in a special way. Dogter Loki to the rescue! Dogter Loki is the one who delivers these Hero Healing Kits, keeping him busy and allowing him to continue his duty. Caroline and Dogter Loki continue working hand in hand, and accept any donations they can find to help those working the hardest to keep us in good health!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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