Dogs are territorial creatures, and sometimes when they consider an area to be theirs, they don’t want any other pups infiltrating. But it’s not just about locations – pups can even feel territorial and possessive over toys!
Bruce the Labrador pup is currently in possession of a particularly fun ball, and he doesn’t feel like sharing. But at the same time, he doesn’t want the fact that he now has this ball to go unnoticed, either. So he makes sure to show it off to his best friend and brother Winter, flaunting it and waving it just out of the other pup’s reach. Naughty Bruce!
Winter really tries his best to snatch the ball out of Bruce’s mouth, but all the impressive maneuvers in the world can’t beat Bruce’s evasive agility. Maybe Bruce needs to learn that sharing is caring – but then again, maybe Winter needs to wait his turn to play with the ball. Whichever way you lean towards, you can’t deny the adorableness of this epic dog vs. dog battle!
Feature Image Source: Henry_the_Human