These Adorable Pups Have Come Up With A New Way Of Having Healthy Fun!

These Adorable Pups Have Come Up With A New Way Of Having Healthy Fun!

Carrots are low in calories and have a lot of fiber and potassium. Plus they are chock full of vitamins (vitamin A especially) and as your dog munches away on them – it helps clean their teeth!

Whether you serve the carrots cooked or raw, they are a great treat for your dog. It is important that the pieces are bite-sized, so they don’t choke on them. You can even give a puppy that is teething cold carrots to help relieve any discomfort they are having – freeze a carrot for a lovely low-calorie treat!

Do not leave your dog unattended while they are enjoying carrots. All that being said, watch the video below and see a Golden Retriever and a Labrador retriever play a rousing game of “carrot catch.” This is a fun way to spend time with your pet while playing a game that won’t add inches to their waistline!

Feature Image Source: Golden Retriever

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