If you haven’t noticed by now, any pup Mom or Dad will be pleased to inform you just how food motivated pups can be!
There is something almost utterly universal about the way pups will go for just about anything yummy that has been left on the table. So when the treat bags come out, it is sure to grab their attention!
This Shih Tzu and Labrador Retriever love getting treats from their parent! They don’t get it very often, so when they do get some, it is quite a special occasion. Because of this, they will always try to get as much as they can out of this single treat session.
This desperation is, in fact, to the point that the Shih Tzu will stand up on her hind legs and spin around, as if that action alone will bring down the treat to her mouth! It does make her cuter, so that probably works out in her favor.
Feature Image Credit: The Black beast