Dog laws around the world just became weirder. Here are some dog laws from around the world that will leave you speechless! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!
- In Connecticut, dogs with tattoos must be reported to the police.
- In Paulding, Ohio, a police officer can bite a dog to quiet him!
- In Wallace, Idaho, humans are not allowed to sleep inside dog kennels!
- In Turin, Italy, you are legally required to walk your dog at least three times a day, failing which you will need to pay $650 in fines!
- In Saudi Arabia, walking a dog in public is illegal.
- In Mexico, you’re not allowed to enter the country with more than two dogs!
- In Switzerland, you must pass a practical and theoretical test before you can parent a dog!
- In Sweden, the law states that dogs who’re kept in daycare must be able to see out of a window!
- In Norway, only male dogs are required to be neutered, it is illegal to spay female dogs!
- In International Falls, Minnesota it is illegal for cats to chase dogs up a telephone pole!
Wow, right?! Share away, people!
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