Thirteen-Men Water Rescue Team Retrieves Pup That Fell Fifty Feet Into A Creek

Thirteen-Men Water Rescue Team Retrieves Pup That Fell Fifty Feet Into A Creek

Last Friday afternoon, thirteen members of the North Huntingdon Township Water Rescue Team rushed to Westmoreland County, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to help retrieve a puppy who fell 50 feet over a hillside and landed on Brush Creek.

The water rescue team joined force after being contacted for assistance by the county after the dog was discovered to have ended up at a part of the creek that can be accessed by navigating its knee-deep waters. According to the North Huntingdon Township Water Rescue Team, the pup fell at around noon and was rescued by the 13-man group, several hours later.

From their video, it appeared that the drenched, dark-haired puppy looked anxious to be rescued as he saw two of the rescue team members approach the small clearing where he stayed. The video showed the crew navigating through the waters of the creek.

According to one of the rescuers, the puppy appeared to be unscathed except for some minor injuries. He also was said to be in dire need of a good bath to rid himself of the dirt and grime from the accident. The pup is now reported to have reunited with his family.

The North Huntingdon Water Rescue Team’s thirteen members were revealed to be representatives of the following groups: 1. Circleville VFD, 2. Hartford Heights VFD, 3. Larimer VFD, 4. North Huntingdon EMS/Rescue, 5. Shafton VFD, 6. Strawpump VFD, and 7. Westmoreland City VFD.

Feature Image Source: Animal rescue-Brush Creek, North Huntingdon

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