This Adorable Dog's Reaction To Getting A Tiny Papercut Is Hilarious!

This Adorable Dog's Reaction To Getting A Tiny Papercut Is Hilarious!

Everyone has had to deal with their fair share of drama queens throughout their lives. But the protagonist of this story might be the most dramatic one you’ve encountered.

Jaqweenie was out and about, playing with one of his best friends. Out of the blue, he sat down and refused to move. He was trembling and he seemed really hurt.

His mom, Jean Mosher, knew something was wrong, so she rushed to him to check out what was wrong. When she got closer, the dog was shaking and curling a foot up. His mom assumed something serious had occurred.

During the first year of his life, he had endured so much pain, so Jean assumed he had a high pain tolerance. Jaqweenie has a large overbite that caused him some trouble. As a puppy, he had to have several surgeries to remove some teeth. Because of those surgeries, his mom thought he would react this badly only when he’s gravely injured.

She called a vet, who gave him a thorough examination, but couldn’t determine the cause of the injury. His mom asked the vet to look at his paw once more, and that’s when they saw a cut so small it was basically a paper cut.

The cut didn’t require medical attention, but his mom asked for his paw to be bandaged in hopes that he would feel better mentally. Needless to say, after a day of limping around the house with a bandaged paw, Jaqweenie took the bandage off himself and started walking normally.

This drama performance cost $150, but at least the pup is safe and sound.

Images Source: Instagram

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