This Adorable Pup Doesn't Know What To Do With Himself When He Sees His Best Friend!

This Adorable Pup Doesn't Know What To Do With Himself When He Sees His Best Friend!

You can tell when your dog is angry. Their tail goes down or straight back, their ears are flat against their heads, and they are barking.

A dog that is on alert is perfectly still with their ears straight up, and their eyes are wide open searching for anything amiss. A sad dog may put its tail between its legs and slink away very quietly. A happy dog is a ball of crazy! They jump, yip, and spin in circles!

If you get close enough to them, you will be graced with tons and tons of doggie kisses! Winston, the dachshund, is no exception. Today, Winston gets to see his best friend, and he simply can’t control himself! The video begins as Winston makes a beeline for the couch! He jumps up like a pro to greet his friend! Let the kiss fest begin!

Feature Image Source: jencrumpy

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