This Adorable Pup Has Just One Purpose Today - To Dream The Day Away!

This Adorable Pup Has Just One Purpose Today - To Dream The Day Away!

Weekends are always undeniably lovely for those of us who work on weekdays. It is just a welcome and much-needed respite from the hustle and bustle of ordinary life, and a great time to catch up on all the delicious, delicious sleep that we have missed out on!

Jasper the English Bulldog is taking the lead here by paying up his sleep debt early, in the middle of the day! Nothing unusual about this – all pups nap throughout the course of the day, after all – but this one is a little more special – he hasn’t realised that he has stuck his tongue out!

This obviously makes for an incredibly adorable sight. Just how can you resist giggling at the way this pup’s tongue sticks out like that, while its owner is snoring away, blissfully unaware? It is more of a surprise that his parent hasn’t tried poking it for fun!

Feature Image Source: JASPER THE BULLDOG

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