All pups dream, this much is undeniable. Just take a look at them while they are napping and you can easily see twitching and moving about in their sleep as if they are chasing rabbits in their dreams!
That said, if they dream, then surely they must have nightmares too! The question then becomes, what kind of nightmares to pups have?
Oakley the Dachshund pup wasn’t expecting anything when his Mom tucked him in and kissed him goodnight. But when he dreamed, he dreamed of scary things – specifically, his Dachshund brother Crusoe haunting his dreams while dressed up as a Halloween villain!
Wearing an ice-hockey mask and armed to the teeth with a chainsaw, this terrifying villain starts coming in closer and closer – but there is nothing Oakley can do to stop it, until the villain is right beside his bed. Slowly, he raises his chainsaw and revs it – and then Mom wakes Oakley up!
Feature Image Source: Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund