This Adorable Pup Is Busy Playing With Something Very Commonly Found At Home!

This Adorable Pup Is Busy Playing With Something Very Commonly Found At Home!

We all start out as babies with the need to put something in our mouth to understand what it feels like! The reason for this is because our tongue is just as capable as our fingertips to feel textures and shapes!

As you can imagine, however, this isn’t very hygienic, and once our teething phase is over we normally try not to chew anything and everything that comes our way.

Pups, however, don’t have this problem at all! Coupled with the fact that they don’t exactly have hands like we do to handle things, and anyone can tell you that pups are constantly using their mouth for carrying and using things. On top of that, pups like Mr Bruce the German Shepherd just also like chewing things too!

Mr Bruce here has managed to get his paws on a plastic water bottle, and is having a fabulous time just gnawing away at it and enjoying the crinkling sound it makes.

Feature Image Source: Bruce The German Shepherd

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