Play-fighting is something that is extremely important for just about any pup. It teaches them how to hunt, how to socialize, and – probably most importantly – they learn to take turns!
That’s right, they learn to take turns to be the loser, so that everyone can have fun! (If you have grown up with a sibling, it may be a sentiment you can relate to.)
Annie the Dachshund pup doesn’t exactly have a sibling to play with, but she does have the next best thing in this scenario – her Dad! Dad decides to have some fun with his pup while she is lying down on the bed. Since he isn’t exactly pup sized, he uses his hand instead as a substitute!
Dad approaches Annie, and begins making snarling and growling sounds. Annie, of course, knows that Dad would never hurt her. Which means that he is trying to initiate play-fighting with him – an invitation she gladly accepts!
Feature Image Source: Mark Morris