This Adorable Pup Is Celebrating His 9th Birthday, But Things Aren't Going As Planned!

This Adorable Pup Is Celebrating His 9th Birthday, But Things Aren't Going As Planned!

Making videos is hard. Most people don’t seem to immediately understand that the more hands there are on deck, the more heads you will have to please. Sometimes it is for the best – having someone else look over your stuff can help make sure your content is the best it could be!

Other times, however, it can be pretty stressful. Doxie Din is celebrating his 9th birthday, and the occasion is such a special one that it had to be celebrated! Unfortunately, this diva of a pup insists on fighting with Dad, his director and scriptwriter, on what kind of candles to put on his birthday cake.

Back and forth it goes, until Dad finally gives up and leaves the production team. Now the two of them try to strike it out on their own to show the other they can do just fine without the other – but will they be able to pull it off?

Feature Image Source: Doxie Din – not just a dachshund

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