All pup parents know the exasperating yet somehow still somewhat amusing conundrum of coming home and finding the house in a mess, and a cute pup sitting in the middle of it trying their best not to look guilty. Rigby the chihuahua beagle mix is definitely guilty of that!
This pup is a five-year-old rescue pup, and unfortunately, the little one suffers from separation anxiety that his Mommy and Daddy are still trying to work through. His anxiety manifests by him making a mess and acting out. He tips over the trash and spreads it all over the floor, then lies in the center of it all and shakes his leg nervously.
This poor pup acts so guilty and sad when he realizes what he’s done. Do your pups show signs of separation anxiety like Rigby? If so, speak to a vet, pet therapist, or professional pet behavioral trainer and see what you can do to relieve that anxiety.
Feature Image Source: Kattjo24