The thing with becoming a Mom or a Dad is that you will inevitably pick up some things about your pup’s breed!
Whether it is from your research prior to adopting your sweet, new family member, derived from personal observation, or heard from friends and family, there is always some interesting facts you will have on hand about your pup’s breed.
This video made by Pipas the Beagle’s Mom is dedicated to sharing a few facts about the Beagle pup! It features plenty of video clips of Pipas herself that were taken with a fish-eye lens, which are then overlaid with animation that shares some interesting facts about Beagles.
All in all, this is a pretty good video to show your kids if you want them to learn a few facts about Beagles as a breed. Plus, the adorableness that is Pipas the Beagle pup is great to stare at too!
Feature Image Source: Pipas The Beagle