This Adorable Pup Is Teaching His Sibling How To Babysit The Right Way!

This Adorable Pup Is Teaching His Sibling How To Babysit The Right Way!

Babies are often very exhausting to take care of, especially if you are a young parent learning how to handle the ropes! It is then no wonder that babysitting – either by family, friends or paid help – is so popular. These parents just need a break!

And as it turns out, this babysitter has helping hands of his own too – or rather, paws! Charlie the Beagle is an old hat at babysitting babies, and although his skills are rusty, he hasn’t forgotten how to help! So when Dad asks him to fetch items for Amelia the baby, he knows what he is doing, and is quick about it.

At the same time, Charlie is showing Lilly Beagle pup just what needs to be done, and how to do it. She follows him like a shadow, watching his every move and seeing how he knows which item to grab for Dad. Hopefully, she will turn out to be a great babysitter in the future too!

Feature Image Source: Charlie the Dog and Baby

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