This Adorable Pup Was Fast Asleep But When Mom Starts Petting She Just Wakes Up!

This Adorable Pup Was Fast Asleep But When Mom Starts Petting She Just Wakes Up!

We all have heard of the saying “let sleeping dogs lie.” But just where did this saying come from, and why? Apparently, it is a saying that sprung up in the late 1300s, in reference to not disturbing the fierce watchdogs if possible. After all, alerting the whole neighborhood to your business is certainly not something anyone wants!

For most Moms and Dads these days, however, that saying has a slightly different second meaning – do not disturb a sleeping pup! Why would you want to, when they look so happy and peaceful snoozing away there? But alas, this Mom couldn’t resist, and instead went ahead with petting her Labrador Retriever, Blanka.

Luckily, it seems that Blanka may have gotten enough sleep, or her happiness at being petted by Mom is enough to override any sleepiness she may have had! Guess that means there was nothing to worry about after all!

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