Baths are really important for pups, since it means it keeps them clean! And you don’t want them to stink up your house from being dirty – that would be the worst thing to live with. Plus, clean fur means clean skin – and the only way to keep that fur clean is to give your pups a wash!
But pups need to get used to taking baths – after all, this isn’t something that comes naturally to them! And the easiest way to do this is to start your puppies young, which is why this Dad (with the help of a friend) is going to give this Golden Retriever a much-needed bath in this video!
While the bath is being prepared for this unsuspecting puppy, she is being fed with all the treats Dad can afford. After all, it will make things much easier if she associates bathtimes with pleasant things like treats!
Feature Image Source: BigDawsVlogs