This Adorable Pup's Love For The Fire Hydrant Is Going To Make You Laugh!

This Adorable Pup's Love For The Fire Hydrant Is Going To Make You Laugh!

What is it about fire hydrants that dogs love so much? Is it their bright color? Their shiny coat of paint? Their funny shape? The fact that they have the capacity to save thousands of lives? Or is it just one of those pop culture references without much truth in the real world? Who knows! What we do know is that it’s certainly adorable to see our pups interact with them!

For Doxie Din, the big red hydrant near his home is more than just a favorite thing for him to pass by – it’s a landmark he’s completely in love with. He’ll beg Dad to take him for a walk just so he can see that hydrant, and will be super sad whenever it’s time for them to leave again. When Dad pulls him away to go back home, the parting scene is enough to make any fellow pups cry!

Luckily, Doxie Din is able to convince his Dad to bring him back out to meet his beloved again. They reunite, and it’s beautiful! Check out this video to see the full love story!

Feature Image Source: Doxie Din – not just a dachshund

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