This Dog Brings Her Bed Everywhere!

This Dog Brings Her Bed Everywhere!

There’s nothing quite like laying in bed after a stressful day or cuddling up with a person you love, but this dog takes it to another level. She brings her bed everywhere!

As a pup, Dora has always been needy and anxious. Many dogs are like this, but Dora had a hard time getting over most of her fears. She was scared of loud noises, being alone, leaves, and even people. To help her get over her fears, her family gave her comfort by cuddling her and stroking her until she felt safe. They also got her a special comfy bed that she can lay in.

The bed was made for dogs like Dora who get scared easily to help her calm down. Her bed is always close by when she’s at home, but it never stays in one place. The bed moves whenever she is excited that someone is there.

It’s her way of showing love to her guests. Other times, she brings them her teddy bear, but she brings her special bed that means the person is really special to her.

Her mom shared that this isn’t new for Dora. She always brings gifts for people she likes, and she tends to hold things in her mouth when she gets anxious.

Not everyone gets the bed, or even the teddy, but Dora still has a lot of friends. She knows how to make them feel special and they return the sentiment to help her feel safe.

Images Source: Ruby Simpson

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