This Is How Life Rolls When You're In A Relationship And Have A Dog! (Part 1)

This Is How Life Rolls When You're In A Relationship And Have A Dog! (Part 1)

Okay, it’s about that time of the year, no I’m just kidding. We can’t hide it anymore. As dog parents, especially those who’re in a steady relationship, we have a secret. While we absolutely love our partners, but we love our dogs more. It’s just a fact, people. This is how life rolls for dog parents in a relationship!

I’ve noticed that I spend way more time saying goodbye to my dog than I do to my partner. Like yesterday morning, I spend a good 10 minutes saying goodbye to my dog, and about 5 seconds saying goodbye to my partner. That’s just how things are. Yep, we’re guilty, but hey, dogs before partners, am I right?

1. Imagine you’re sitting on the couch with your dog and he farts. If your dog farts, you’re smiling because better out than in, correct? If your partner does, you disinfect your house, like immediately. Yep.

2. You don’t mind sharing your food with your dog, because it’s cute right? It’s bonding, its love. But when your partner asks for a french fry, you look at them with your beady eyes, wondering how they could even dare!

3. You don’t mind singing a song to your dog about how much you love them and how they mean the world to you… but when it comes to your partner, a text message should be fine, no? Maybe a quick hug at the end of the day…

4. You don’t mind introducing your dog to other people because you have a million good things to tell about your dog! But when it’s time to introduce your partner, you leave them to fend for themselves. True story!

How many of you relate to this? Let us know in the comments! We’re not done yet!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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