This Pup Is Fast Asleep But Take A Close Look At His Tail! Happy Dreams I Suppose!

This Pup Is Fast Asleep But Take A Close Look At His Tail! Happy Dreams I Suppose!

We have done all sorts of odd things in our sleep! In fact, we probably have all sorts of wild stories to tell at family gatherings or while hanging out with friends – or our friends and family have tales of their own to tell!

Whatever your case may be, there is no denying that people can get pretty weird in their sleep.

And of course, pups can have their own quirks show up in their snooze too! Most of them aren’t too out of the ordinary – small things like their legs and ears twitching is pretty common. This particular Beagle puppy often ends up wagging his tail in his sleep!

Of course, we aren’t here to bash on all the things pups do in their sleep. In fact, most, if not all of us, find these little things incredibly endearing! It certainly brings a smile to our faces to see this pup’s tail wag while he snoozes away happily!

Feature Image Source: Fudge the Beagle

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