Just how sneaky can you be when you’re on the hunt for something? With this Beagle puppy, the answer is … not so much, since he’s clearly caught on camera. (Don’t tell him that though – we’re doing our best to encourage him! He’s trying very hard, and we’re very proud of the effort.)
In this video, you can see this adorable puppy wander around the kitchen, trying to find his favorite snacks. Unfortunately, they’ve all been tucked away. He can definitely smell them though, thanks to his super-sensitive nose! And since he doesn’t know they’ve all been kept under lock and key, he is certainly under the impression he can sneak a few bites out from under Dad and Mom’s nose.
Unfortunately for him, they’re onto him – and they know his plans! Oh well, at least it makes for some adorable sights. Maybe one day he’ll learn where everything is actually kept, and that’s when the fun will truly begin!
Feature Image Source: Sunset Pocket Beagles