This Unique Friendship Between A Pup And A Tiger Will Drop Your Jaw

This Unique Friendship Between A Pup And A Tiger Will Drop Your Jaw

For those of us who are interested in cheetahs, you may know that the fastest animal on land is also one of the most anxious creatures – especially in captivity!

This, as you can imagine, is a pretty big problem – until someone realised that all these big cats needed was an emotional support animal. In other words, they needed a pup!

Because of this, cheetahs are commonly raised together with a pup to help them reduce their anxiety levels. However, this video reveals that the cheetah may not be the only big cat to benefit from the help of an emotional support pup. Just take a look at how happy this tiger is playing with its friend, a German Shepherd pup!

It is clear this tiger is a young one still (either that, or that is one big pup), so the two of them are still about the same size. This makes play-fighting a lot easier, which is a good thing too!

Feature Image Source: trev1976

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