Two Adorable Dachshund Pups Watch Dog TV!

Two Adorable Dachshund Pups Watch Dog TV!

I think dog TV is just an excuse because these dachshund pups are definitely waiting for the mail man! Yep because when they spot one, they can’t wait to meet him!

Alright let’s assume you walk into your house and suddenly you see your fur ball watching outside the window at nothing. According to a friend of mine, “Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean he isn’t focused on something else—maybe a bird, squirrel, neighbor’s dog in his line of site, or even just that he wants to go outside.”

Or maybe they’re just waiting to see a bird or squirrel! My dogs have been known to stare at leaves blowing in the wind for hours on end. You just never know when the action is going to happen, and some dogs like to watch all the time to make sure they don’t miss it! These three definitely seem to be focused on something outside.

Continue to page 2 below to see them watching “Dog TV!”

Page 2 Here!

Now take a look at these dachshund pups and you’ll know they’re probably watching the mailman!

Feature Image Source: Instagram

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