Two Adorable Pups Have Big Plans For Today! Watch What They're About To Do!

Two Adorable Pups Have Big Plans For Today! Watch What They're About To Do!

Who wouldn’t be impatient for a day trip to the beach? The sooner you can get the journey started, the more time you can spend frolicking around in the sand and sea! Unfortunately, some pups like Sammie the Golden Retriever’s German Shepherd friend just like to sleep in. Hurry up already!

Thankfully, Sammie’s honking finally summons her friend from the bushes, and finally they can be off! It’s a quick drive, and soon they’re at the beach, racing each other down to the shoreline! It’s a gorgeous sight – pristine sand, beautiful waters and sunny skies! All you can really ask for on a day trip to the beach.

These two friends are certainly enjoying their time here to the fullest! Just look at how happy and excited they are, dashing through the shallow surf and getting themselves soaking wet. This is an experience they will definitely always remember in the future!

Feature Image Source: Life of Sammie

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