Understanding Bloating In Pups And How You Can Help

Understanding Bloating In Pups And How You Can Help

In ensuring a happy, healthy, and long life for a pup, it’s important to be aware of possible health concerns and potentially dangerous conditions.

One very common, unexpected, and often fatal medical emergency for pups is bloat. Bloat is a condition where a pup’s stomach rapidly expands due to gas and fluid buildup. Then, the stomach rotates on itself, which twists either of its ends. Pressure then builds up as the gas and fluids ferment, and this cuts off blood supply to the stomach. Parts or all of the stomach may then die, which creates a domino effect for other problems.

In just a few hours, bloat can be fatal, and only 50% of pups who receive emergency treatment survive. Due to sudden nature of bloat, it’s vital that you’re able to recognize their symptoms. Often, this condition occurs in pups who are middle-aged or older, and it usually happens right after a large meal or drinking a lot of water – especially if exercise was done prior or right after!

A pup developing bloat might start to drool or attempt to throw up without success, and you may notice increased tiredness, restlessness, discomfort, or pain. His stomach might also become tight or swollen. As the conditions continues, a pup may go into shock or collapse, face breathing difficulties, or develop a rapid heart rate and weak pulse. Be sure to rush a pup with these symptoms to the nearest vet!

Certain breeds are more susceptible to bloat; usually, these are larger-chested breeds. It’s important to do a bit of research so that you can find out what health issues are more likely to crop up in your fur ball’s life, or talk to a vet about them. If your pup is susceptible to bloat, you may decide to use preventative treatment. We’ll discuss more of these in a following article. For now, though, do like and share this information with other pup Mommies and Daddies!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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