Volunteers Rescue Neglected Pups From Puppy Mill And Will Care For Them Until They're Adopted!

Volunteers Rescue Neglected Pups From Puppy Mill And Will Care For Them Until They're Adopted!

There are some pup breeds that are incredibly popular for all sorts of reasons – either they got featured in some movie and the hype never died, or they have an enduring reputation that makes them highly desired.

Whatever the reason may be, the result is often sadly the same – tons of unscrupulous people trying to take advantage of the popularity.

Puppy mills or puppy farms is a term many of us may have already heard of – a horrible place where pups are set to breed without any rhyme or reason for health and care. And after years of living in squalor and mud, these German Shepherd pups – who have known nothing better their whole lives – are finally free!

After being rescued by some volunteers and rescuers, these pups will be fostered and cared for until they are ready to be adopted out to loving forever homes. It is good to see a happy ending for them!

Feature Image Source: USA TODAY

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