Want To Become A Dog Photographer? Here Are 10 Tips To Help You Get Started! (Part 1)

Want To Become A Dog Photographer? Here Are 10 Tips To Help You Get Started! (Part 1)

What’s the next best job in the world after volunteering at the shelter? Dog photography, of course! Everyone knows that! A job that involves tons of dogs and fluffy puppies, what’s not to like?! But a job is a job, isn’t it?

If you’ve always wanted to be a dog photographer but didn’t know where to start, this post will likely help you get started. There are certain tricks and tips to make dogs fall in love with you! Yep, so let’s not waste any more time, here are some tips to help you become a better dog photographer!

1. Trust

The dog has to be able to trust you before he starts posing for you. So instead of backing away, let them smell you to their heart’s content.

2. Down Low!

Take pictures by getting down to the dog’s level. You will get breathtakingly beautiful pictures if they’re snapped at the same level as the dog’s height!

3. Treats or Toys

Want to grab the dog’s attention? Offer them a squeaky toy or their favorite treat and see the magic of their attentiveness! If a dog is happy, he’ll even smile for the camera.

4. Motion

Move that squeaky toy around the camera lens to get the dog moving! So if you wish to capture motion, this is the best way to do it!

5. Expressions

If you want to capture expressions on a dog’s face, learn to bark and make sounds to get different facial expressions on the dog’s face!

Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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