Watch How This Adorable Pup And A Kitten Became Best Friends!

Watch How This Adorable Pup And A Kitten Became Best Friends!

There is always something incredibly heartwarming about seeing a much older animal becoming close friends with a much younger animal from a completely different species. It just reminds us that friendships can be the bridge that can cross all sorts of barriers – something we should learn from, really!

This particular friendship is a super adorable one, featuring Beck the one-year-old German Shepherd and his new friend, a tiny little ginger kitten named Bleu! Initially, Beck wasn’t too sure just how he was supposed to act around this fierce new friend of his – but after a week or so, he finally figures out this kitten just wants to play!

Ever since then, these two have been inseparable, and have a grand ol’ time playing together! This video happens to be a montage of all the times these two have spent together – after Beck figures out Bleu, of course. Just look at how cute they are together!

Feature Image Source: OldManStino

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