Watch How This Adorable Pup Reacts To Different Instruments!

Watch How This Adorable Pup Reacts To Different Instruments!

If you haven’t noticed by now, pups can be incredibly musical! That, or at least it seems like they can appreciate good music. We have all seen plenty of viral videos where a pup howls along to a song, and it can be incredibly adorable.

They may not have a good sense of rhythm, but they certainly try to follow along!

Banking on this, this Dad has decided to showcase Cash the Dachshund puppy’s reaction to several different types of musical instruments. Specifically, a ukulele, an acoustic guitar, a kazoo, and a harmonica.

As soon as Dad starts playing on musical instruments, you can see him listening intently before trying to bark along to the song. Or even howl! (Except he hasn’t learned how to howl yet.) It seems that he is completely entranced, and as soon as he understands what is going on, then he wants to join in on the fun!

Feature Image Source: The Spiritual Fish Lad

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