Watch How This Adorable Pup Tries To Defend Mommy From Daddy!

Watch How This Adorable Pup Tries To Defend Mommy From Daddy!

Our pups can get pretty protective of us, which often results in plenty of stories where a pup did their best to protect their Mom and Dad in times of trouble. In a way, it can be pretty reassuring to know you will be safe because this massive beast by your side will protect you with their life.

It can’t be denied, however, that we are often pretty curious to see what our pups will do in an emergency situation. Not all pups will jump to our rescue, after all. So in this video, Dad is going to test Bailey the Golden Retriever’s reactions. While Mom and Bailey are hanging out on the couch, Dad then comes over and smacks Mom on the knee.

Oh no, she is being attacked! Mom starts yelling, as if she is scared. (Of course, this was all acting, but Bailey didn’t know that.) Without hesitating, Bailey leaps over to protect Mom’s knee from Dad’s ferocious smacks!

Feature Image Source: Funny Dog Bailey

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