Watch How This Tiny Pup Proves To Another Pup That She's The Boss!

Watch How This Tiny Pup Proves To Another Pup That She's The Boss!

For those of us with friends or family that have young children or recently had babies, sometimes we find ourselves suddenly saddled with the task of watching their children for a bit, while their parents are temporarily occupied with something.

In moments like those, just what exactly are you supposed to do with these tiny wiggly things?

Bella and Jake the English Bulldogs recently had a litter of puppies, who are now all 5 weeks old. Normally Bella would be busy watching over her kids, but she is currently overdue for a bath and is so in the shower to get cleaned. In the meantime, Dallas, a 7-month-old English Bulldog, has come on over for a visit!

To everyone’s amusement, the puppy is quick to start proving himself as the boss around this house – and Dallas is more than happy to submit to him while the two of them are playing! Looks like Dallas is going to make a great uncle!

Feature Image Source: James Brandt

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