Watch What Happens When This Boy Opens The Door! This Is Hilarious!

Watch What Happens When This Boy Opens The Door! This Is Hilarious!

Have you ever been going about your daily life, mucking around with whatever it is you do on a normal basis when you are suddenly surprised by something that really shouldn’t have caught you off-guard like that?

It makes for a hilarious and fun story in hindsight, but that ugly shriek we let loose at the time is still not a fun one!

This little boy definitely can’t be too proud of his undignified scream in this video. All he was doing was opening the door to leave the living room. But unbeknown to him, there was a loyal visitor just waiting for him to let her in!

Most of us would regard Sally the Labrador Retriever as the last thing that would make us jump, but when a pup appears as suddenly as that, you might start too! It seems that Sally has no idea of just how much of a heart attack she gave that little boy!

Feature Image Source: Steven Walker

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