Dogs are man’s best friend right? Well, the opposite also applies, especially when it comes on to Watson the Golden Retriever. His man is his best friend, and we have video evidence to prove it.
You know what trust falls are, right? There are different variations of it, but the basis of it is to build trust. One person stands behind the other who falls into their outstretched hands. You have to really trust someone to free fall because that fall would really hurt.
Watson trusts his dad very much. In this video posted on Instagram, you’ll observe Watson’s dad saying “trust fall” twice, and each time, Watson lets himself fall into his hands without hesitation. Even the bravest among us sometimes look back to make sure the person is close enough to catch us. The moment he hears “fall”, he falls, without looking back.
Usually, trust falls are for humans, so it’s a pretty bizarre sight to see a dog performing one. It just goes to show how rock-solid the trust is between the pair and how strong their bond must be.
We’d just imagine if Watson could catch his dad, there’d be tons of videos of Watson barking his own rendition of “trust fall”. Thankfully, they haven’t tried it yet because it would probably be an epic fail!
Surely, there are other ways his dad shows how much he trusts him, but for now, we’ll just have to enjoy these trust fall videos! Incredible!
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