Dogs can be allergic to certain foods, chemicals, and even environmental factors, just like us. His/her body reacts to the presence of allergens and reactions manifest in various ways and degrees.
Some of the more common to watch out for are sneezing, hives, scratching, persistent licking, vomiting, snoring, swelling, paw chewing, ear infection and itch, diarrhea, goopy eyes, and skin abnormalities including moist skin, scabs, or skin irritation. If your dog unusually scratches his/her tail for a long time, this could be caused by an allergy to flea bites.
A dog’s body is triggered to respond to allergens which lasts from two to three weeks. During seasonal changes, pollen, an allergen, is released in the air causing allergic reactions in dogs. Allergies cause discomfort and could result in loss of hair, crusts, scabs, or even bacterial or yeast infections due to your dog’s constant scratching.
High-allergen foods include corn, chicken, beef, pork, soy, and wheat. Other such substances include commercial soap and shampoo, rubber, plastic, molds, fragrance, fleas, flea-control products, feathers, furry fabrics, certain drugs, dander, cleaning products, pollen, dust mites, and cigarette smoke.
Every parent should talk to the vet and determine the cause of the allergies so that he/she can keep dogs as far away as they can from the culprit. Certain medicines can also trigger allergic reactions such as antihistamines. If an allergic condition worsens, a corticosteroid be administered by the vet.