Thanks to just how technology has developed, we can now attach small, light, and high-quality cameras on to drones and send them flying anywhere we like! But as any of us who have been near one can tell you, these drones can be pretty loud, and alarming if you weren’t expecting them!
Luckily, at this distance, the drone won’t bother Toby the Beagle at all! Instead, viewers get an aerial look of this pup, and get to follow him as he goes about this pup park. Of course, when the drone does come close enough, it gets Toby’s attention and he lifts his head to check it out.
Toby, however, is pretty familiar with Dad’s drone and the shenanigans he gets up to with it by now, so he doesn’t cast more than a single glance in the drone’s direction. After checking to see what it is, he is quick to get back to whatever he was doing!
Feature Image Source: Toby The Beagle