What Happens When A Tiny Baby Spots An Adorable Pup Who's Just Trying To Relax?!

What Happens When A Tiny Baby Spots An Adorable Pup Who's Just Trying To Relax?!

Even with parental supervision, not all pups are good with babies. Even breeds famous for being wonderful with children like Labrador Retrievers can just be far too energetic for babies – you’ll need a pup that has an incredibly calm and tolerant personality.

It is just not something every pup is ready for!

Hank the Valley Bulldog – a Boxer and English Bulldog mix – is a great example of the kind of temperament you will want in a pup near children. Of course, pups and young children should never be left on their own unsupervised, but Hank’s calm temperament certainly makes it safer!

While this baby girl is learning how to walk and climb, this pup is perfectly relaxed. Even slightly curious! It looks like he’s aware of just how vulnerable this baby is, and is exceedingly gentle with her. He even makes a move to watch and support her when she looks like she’s about to fall!

Feature Image Source: Juju & Hank

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