Does anyone remember The Emoji Movie that Sony released a while back, before Spider Man: Into the Spiderverse came out and we forgave the animation studio for its crimes against humanity? While nobody is a fan of The Emoji Movie, you have to admit that emojis are just now a part of the way we communicate.
Still, their popularity has lead to a lot of odd things – including this emoji costume that Dad managed to get his hands on! What will Louie and Marie the Beagle make of this new outfit? It seems that they love it, to the point of climbing on top of Dad to lick the costume’s mouthpiece!
But of course, it would make for a pretty boring video if Dad just sort of stayed there, so he moves around to have some fun – and his pups follow along with him too! Looks like they are all having fun!
Feature Image Source: Louie The Beagle