There is something incredibly fun about remote-controlled toys! Something about the fact that we can send something moving by itself wherever we want it to go is highly entertaining, no matter what age you are. Need proof?
Just look at all the highly sophisticated remote-controlled gadgetry that are available for adults to play with too!
In the case of this boy and his pup, however, all he wants to do is entertain his pup somewhat. Sitting on the floor of the living room with his recently acquired Christmas present from last year, this boy sends a remote-controlled tarantula scuttling across the room!
This, of course, attracts the attention of the pups in the house – mainly Dexter the Dachshund, who is incredibly curious about this strange creature! He can’t help but chase it all over the place while barking at it! Maybe if he barks enough at it, it will stop moving?
Feature Image Source: Marilyn Patilla