What Should You Do If Your Dog Accidentally Ate A Toy?

None of us want to experience the gut-wrenching feeling of witnessing our dog swallow a toy. Being in a state of not knowing whether what was ingested is toxic or not is terrible and causes absolute panic to many of us!

Questions race through our minds debating what to. We find ourselves shakingly trying to see if our precious dog is okay or not. There are a few things we should do when this does happen, and this is what researchers have to say.

The first thing is prevention. No toy is safe for consumption. If it were safe to eat, it would be labeled as a treat, not a toy! When we give our sturdy hounds a toy to play with, it is much safer to do it under supervision. We will easily be able to see when the toy is being dismantled and have more control over the pieces before being eaten. But realistically, constant supervision is not always possible.

We may need to slip away for a bathroom break and can easily miss that small piece of plastic being swallowed. If you do find yourself in the scary situation where a toy (or bits of a toy) has been swallowed here is what you should do. The most important thing is not to panic. Your dog can sense panic and panicking yourself will only panic an already stressed dog.

Once you have managed to gather yourself, immediately phone your vet’s emergency number and get your precious hound into the car. If you have another family member living with you, get them to phone the vet while you prepare the car for transport.

Not all toy-swallowing escapades are life-threatening, so if it does happen it is important to remain calm and assess the situation thoroughly.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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