What Should You Do If Your Dog Is Paralyzed?

What Should You Do If Your Dog Is Paralyzed?

With just how many nerves and muscles run along the spine, a spinal injury can completely paralyze a dog. Just what should you do if something happens?

Keep Calm And Don’t Move Them

Trying to move your dog in any way can potentially cause further damage.

Closely Examine Your Pet

If the paralysis is sudden, you might be able to find the cause or source – perhaps a tick or an injury. This information may help your vet.

Don’t Feed Your Dog Anything

Breathing alone is already difficult in a state of paralysis, let alone eating or swallowing. You just may choke your dog.

Drive Your Dog To The Emergency Vet Hospital Immediately

Have someone drive both you and your dog while you remain in the backseat to secure your dog.

Let The Vet Do Their Job

No matter how worried you are, you need to trust your vet knows what’s best for your dog. Take a step back, and give them room to operate.

What Comes After Diagnosis?

Your dog will have different options to help them get better:

  1. Massage. The act of massaging helps stimulate muscle and nerve growth, along with blood flow to the area.
  2. Physical Therapy. The most common way to help regain a dog’s strength and agility.
  3. Water Therapy. Uses similar methodologies with physical therapy, but is much gentler thanks to the use of water.
  4. Assisted Movement. Using a cloth or a harness, you can help lift up your dog so they can walk without having to bear any weight.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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