What You're About To See Now Is Going To Warm Your Heart! This Is Beautiful!

What You're About To See Now Is Going To Warm Your Heart! This Is Beautiful!

All around the world, pups are brightening lives. Fur balls are so sweet and friendly that it isn’t hard to have a day made better just by meeting one for a while.

That’s why therapy pups are so good at what they do! It’s impossible not to smile when you’re cuddling a pup! Jeanie is a three-legged therapy pup who travels around to help those in need. Recently, this incredible fur ball took a trip to a veteran’s home with the rest of her pet therapy team, and what happened there was truly magical. The pup met a special veteran while she was there and quickly bonded with her.

The elderly veteran suffers from dementia and had been crying non-stop for two weeks, but having Jeanie in her arms helped her immensely. This fur ball’s visit transformed her completely, which only goes to show the amazing power of a pup’s love. Even better, they plan to visit her on a regular basis so that she and Jeanie can meet again, and often. Wow!

A video of the touching scene was put up on Jeanie’s Facebook page, where it has gained more than 60,000 views! The therapy pet team hopes that “this video will encourage others to support our veterans, especially those in veteran’s homes or nursing homes”.

Take a look at this video!

Watch what happens when therapy dogs visit a veterans home, bringing smiles to those who need it most. Enjoy! #therapydogs #veterans

Posted by Jeanie The 3-Legged Pooch on Monday, 11 July 2016

There are many people around the world who aren’t aware of the kind of work that therapy pups do. Why not show them this side of a fur ball’s work? Give this a like and share to get the word out!

Feature Image Source: Jeanie The 3-Legged Pooch

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