What's The Best Way To Cool Off When It's Hot Outside? Yep! The Pool, Of Course!

What's The Best Way To Cool Off When It's Hot Outside? Yep! The Pool, Of Course!

Just how are you supposed to keep yourself cool on a hot day when temperatures start climbing? As a pup, you can only truly dissipate heat from your tongue and the sweat-glands on your feet.

Not exactly great stuff if it’s really hot, so your parents will have to get creative to keep you cool!

The easiest and most common way to do that is to just let the pup splash about in some water! All a pup like Dallas the German Shepherd has to do is stand in a kiddie-pool full of water and it will do the job just fine. And he gets some fun out of it too!

What kind of fun? Well, he gets to splash about at the water and enjoy the sensation of making a big, wet mess. And really, who hasn’t quite enjoyed doing that as a child in a pool? We can all easily relate to this pup’s behavior!

Feature Image Source: theandymano

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