When I Saw What This Adorable Labrador Pup Can Do? I'm Speechless!

When I Saw What This Adorable Labrador Pup Can Do? I'm Speechless!

Are you a fan of labrador pups? If so, you’ll love Abby, an adorable fur ball who asks very nicely for her favorite toy, a yellow ball that daddy’s holding on to.

This smart pup responds to her daddy snapping his fingers, and it’s pretty impressive! Check it out! If this pup wants her ball, she’s going to have to ask politely! At daddy’s finger snap, she gets on her hind legs in a begging position and looks at her daddy with big, puppy eyes. She’s so cute, it’s amazing that anyone can say no to her!

She holds the position for as long as it takes, and she almost looks like a penguin with the way she’s standing. Aww! When Abby’s daddy is satisfied, he gives her the ball and she drops back onto her front paws. Good girl! She definitely deserves that toy. Do give this a like and share away with all your friends!

Feature Image Source: butterflynurse

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